Dress for dolls handmade by Galina Shikova (new master from Russia). This very beautiful outfit for dolls 16 Tonner Tyler, Sydney. Sybarite Superdoll and similar doll. This is a romantic dress for your doll! The dress is made of cotton …
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Category Archives: caine
Caine Tonner 17 Male Doll Outfit 300 Made Jupiter Ascending 2015 Bodysuit Matt

This item is a Caine 17 doll outfit from Robert Tonner’s 2015 Jupiter Ascending collection. The dressed doll was a Limited Edition of 300. The outfit is suitable for 17 Matt O’Neill sized male Tonner dolls. This outfit has been handled only to remove it from the new doll. I’m also listing other Tonner doll fashions and Tonner doll items this week. All my Tonner brand outfits, wigs and accessories are now listed in the. Dolls & Bears > Dolls > Clothes & Accessories > Modern > Other Modern Doll Clothing. My home is smoke-free. Purchasing this item indicates acceptance of these terms of sale. Thank you for taking a look at this listing! Please check out my other auctions.