Tonner WILDE IMAGINATION ELLOWYNE WILDE DEEP DARK FOREST 16 DOLL CLOTHES OUTFIT LE. Some Outfit pieces were briefly displayed. Many items have never been removed from their original packaging as shown. Item comes from a non-smoking home.
Tag Archives: crag
TONNER GOLDEN COMPASS Lord Asriel at Oxford NRFB Daniel Crag

TONNER GOLDEN COMPASS Lord Asriel at Oxford NRFB Daniel Crag. R obert Tonner 17 The Golden Compass Lord Asriel at Oxford. This unique find by Robert Tonner is a great rendition of Daniel Craig. The doll features the Daniel Craig/Asriel Northbound head, Matt body and tan skintone. He has painted blue eyes and a blonde wig. He is articulated at the elbows, wrists, knees and ankles. Lord Asriel comes never removed from excellent box. He is mint and complete and has no odors. The box has some edge wear due to storage. No odors and stored in a non-smoking home.