GONE WITH THE WIND. Scarlett’s Ensemble KISSING ASHLEY GOODBYE. Fits the 16 Vinyl Tonner Tyler Body Type Doll. Not all outfits fit other dolls of like size, and it depends on the Bust, waist and hip size as well. This 3-piece outfit consist of. A Long Red Dress, with Red and White on the Top and a tiny cameo pin in the center top. The dress snaps in the back. And comes with a White Fringed Sash. And Red-colored faux leather lace-up Boot/Shoes. The original box is in creased up condition from storage. NEVER REMOVED FROM BOX > COMPLETE. This Outfit (Not the Box) is in NEW CONDITION > but the bottom skirt part is wrinkled from storage stacking on the box.. But NO rips, Tears, stains or odors detected. Only what is shown is what you will receive. KISSING ASHLEY GOODBYE IS AN OUTFIT FROM THE GONE WITH WIND LINE. IT WAS PRODUCED BY TONNER IN 2007. IT FITS TYLER BODY. FOOT TYPE : HIGH HEEL. These are the buyers responsibility.